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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/1878

Authors: Węglarz, Barbara
Keywords: democracy
direct democracy
local government
local referendum
recall referendum
Issue Date: 28-Oct-2024
Series/Report no.: Том XLVIII;с. 114-135
Abstract: The local referendum in Poland is an important tool of direct democracy, enabling residents to participate in decisions made at the local government level and to dismiss the bodies of local government units. The latter is the form of direct voting that residents use the most often. Due to the lack of tradition of using this type of direct democracy instruments in Poland, especially at the local level, an attempt was made to create a legal basis allowing the use of this form of voting. The initial effects in the form of the municipal referendum of October 11, 1991 were promising. However, practice has shown that existing regulations require changes and adaptation to Polish reality, in particular to the low level of participation and interest of residents in local matters. Research conducted for another study clearly showed that the effectiveness of referendums depends not only on legal regulations, but also on the ability of residents to use the tools of direct democracy. Even the best solutions and regulations will not help if citizens do not know how to use available instruments and do not become interested in local issues. Therefore, one of the ways to increase the effectiveness of referendums should be civic education.
URI: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/1878
ISSN: 1311-221X
Appears in Collections:Годишник 2023

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