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2010. Предизвикателства пред Висшето образование и научните изследвания в условията на криза >

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Title: За правния интерес от оспорване на нормативни административни актове
Other Titles: About the legal interess from litigation of normative administrative acts
Authors: Georgiev, Boyan
Keywords: administrative justice
normative administrative acts
procedural legal interest
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Burgas Free University, 62, San Stefano Str., 8001 Burgas, Bulgaria
Citation: International research conference, “Challenges to Higher Education and Research in the Global Economic Crisis”, Burgas, 25 - 26 June 2010
Series/Report no.: BFU_MK_2010_TOM_III;str-339
Abstract: Essential procedural requirement is proceedings in court at starting for the complainant owns legal interest. The legal interest is needed for litigation of normative administrative acts. But in that proceeding the presence of the such interest is presupposed in precondition. Each citizen, falling under jurisdiction on bulgarian administrative organs has interest to litigate their normative administrative acts.
Description: International research conference 2010
URI: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/189
ISBN: 978-954-9370-72-0
Appears in Collections:2010. Предизвикателства пред Висшето образование и научните изследвания в условията на криза

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