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2011. Взаимодействието теория - практика. Ключови проблеми и решения >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/231

Title: LLCC инвертор за индукционно нагряване на флуиди
Other Titles: LLCC inverter for induction heating of fluids
Authors: Mareva, Daniela
Yudov, Dimitar
Keywords: resonance inverters
induction heating of fluids
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Burgas Free University, 62, San Stefano Str., 8001 Burgas, Bulgaria
Citation: International research conference ,“Interaction of theory and practice: key problems and solutions”, Burgas, 24 - 25 june 2011
Series/Report no.: BFU_MK_2011_TOM_III;str-126
Abstract: The paper presents a analysis of resonant converters for applications used in induction heating of fluids. Basic indicators that determine the energetic performance of the power inverter are current and voltage loading of transistors and diodes and switching losses. These parameters are considered useful output per unit power at definitely input voltage. This article examines comparative analysis of conventional sequential resonant inverter with self-consistent parallel resonance (LLCC) inverter
Description: International research conference 2011
URI: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/231
ISBN: 978-954-9370-80-5
Appears in Collections:2011. Взаимодействието теория - практика. Ключови проблеми и решения

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