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2011. Взаимодействието теория - практика. Ключови проблеми и решения >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/246

Title: An adaptive KNN algorithm for anomaly intrusion detection
Authors: Jecheva, Veselina
Nikolova, Evgeniya
Keywords: Intrusion Detection
Anomaly Based IDS
kd Trees
KNN algorithm
String Metrics
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Burgas Free University, 62, San Stefano Str., 8001 Burgas, Bulgaria
Citation: International research conference ,“Interaction of theory and practice: key problems and solutions”, Burgas, 24 - 25 june 2011
Series/Report no.: BFU_MK_2011_TOM_III;str-227
Abstract: Intrusion detection is the process of monitoring the activity in the target system and analyzing it for intrusive activity. The purpose of the present paper is to create a methodology for the anomaly-based intrusion detection, which is grounded on the kd trees for the description of the system activity and the k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm during the intrusion detection phase, as well as the evaluations of the results.
Description: International research conference 2011
URI: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/246
ISBN: 978-954-9370-80-5
Appears in Collections:2011. Взаимодействието теория - практика. Ключови проблеми и решения

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