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2011. Взаимодействието теория - практика. Ключови проблеми и решения >

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Title: Проучване на мнението на студенти за регионалните медии
Other Titles: Survey of students for regional media
Authors: Dineva, Evelina
Aleksieva, Mariya
Keywords: regional media
role of regional journalists
areas of focus of attention of regional media
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Burgas Free University, 62, San Stefano Str., 8001 Burgas, Bulgaria
Citation: International research conference ,“Interaction of theory and practice: key problems and solutions”, Burgas, 24 - 25 june 2011
Series/Report no.: BFU_MK_2011_TOM_IV;str-55
Abstract: The publication is presented the shape of the regional media, and their specific characteristics and their influence on reporting events, facts, processes and relationships. There are also results of survey of students in the humanities disciplines for regional media - as a source of information, themes, influence, trust and reflected problems.
Description: International research conference 2011
URI: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/249
ISBN: 978-954-9370-81-2
Appears in Collections:2011. Взаимодействието теория - практика. Ключови проблеми и решения

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