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2013. Знанието-традиции, иновации, перспективи. Том I >

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Title: Родителството като функция на семейните отношения
Other Titles: Parenthood as function on of couple relatiofnships in family
Authors: Bostandjiev, Roumen
Keywords: Family Counseling
Support for families and kids in trouble
Social defend of children in risk
professional qualification of social
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Burgas Free University, 62, San Stefano Str., 8001 Burgas, Bulgaria
Citation: International Research Conference “Knowledge - traditions, innovations, perspectives”, Burgas 14-15 June 2013
Series/Report no.: BFU_MK_2013_TOM_I;str-207
Abstract: Parenthood is couple role in which both of the parents are responsible. Here we discuss opportunities for improvement of social work with parental couple in a way of strengthening their relationships when the child is in need. Contemporary practice of some social organizations in Bulgaria to „defend” threatened children in family by administrative punishment of parents and attempts to take away a kid from them by the force, are criticized. Instead we offer organizational and institutional change in practice of family counselors.
Description: International research conference 2013
URI: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/434
ISBN: 978-954-9370-95-9
Appears in Collections:2013. Знанието-традиции, иновации, перспективи. Том I

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