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Съвременна хуманитаристика, 2010, Брой 1 >

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Title: Специфика на възпитателното въздействие на медиите върху децата
Other Titles: Specificity of media educational influence on the children
Authors: Aleksieva, Mariya
Keywords: комуникация
възпитателно въздействие
influence educat
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Център по хуманитарни науки, Бургаски свободен университет, 8000 Бургас, бул. "Сан Стефано" №62
Series/Report no.: 2010 брой 1;стр 29
Abstract: В публикацията се търсят отговори на въпроси, свързани с из- меренията на възпитателното въздействие на медиите върху развитието на децата. Положително или отрицателно е това въздействие? Какво налага изместване на ценностите? Как влияе новата медийна среда върху детската психика, език и поведение. The media has always exerted considerable influence on the formation of people’s mind. It substantially influences children because the media takes effect on their education and socialization. Due to this fact mass media influence on children is a leading issue in the abundant research and publications dedicated to it. The interest in this issue is provoked by the search of explanation of the influence effect and mechanisms from psychological, pedagogical and sociological perspective. The answers to these questions will give the opportunity to determine changes in child’s psyche, language and behaviors.
Description: The media has always exerted considerable influence on the formation of people’s mind. It substantially influences children because the media takes effect on their education and socialization. Due to this fact mass media influence on children is a leading issue in the abundant research and publications dedicated to it. The interest in this issue is provoked by the search of explanation of the influence effect and mechanisms from psychological, pedagogical and sociological perspective. The answers to these questions will give the opportunity to determine changes in child’s psyche, language and behaviors.
Списание „Съвременна хуманитаристика” 2010 брой 1
URI: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/63
ISSN: 1313-9924
Appears in Collections:Съвременна хуманитаристика, 2010, Брой 1

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