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2016. Новата идея в образованието. Том 1 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/802

Authors: Fernando, Garces Arias Sergio
Keywords: Impact
Social Value
Methodological Method
Third Sector
Issue Date: 11-Sep-2017
Abstract: One of the main goals on this document is for obtain a wise knowledge about the diverse impacts and support the decisions in the social politics; especially in the evaluation and assignation of resources to social invest in programs or units where counting with concepts and tools that let the measurement of social values, and their different dimensions. Planning a program is an essential part to count with the effects from it to the general population. The depth and width of the evaluation on the Social Value and the activities toward the adaptation of the program to social criteria depend on the predicable charge, sensitive of offered services, the complex on the program, the available information as well the evaluation during the course. It is really important to keep a close attention to the programs especially those that create a big social impact. In order to define the framework and possible central aspects of the evaluation of social value will require sorting and examining the social effects of the program planned by their impact, scope and importance, using information commonly available and material relevant work. Based on this information, the corresponding terms of reference for the evaluation of social value will be made. This document is primarily aimed at technicians and specialists of social activity in the institutions that need to evaluate social programs.
URI: http://research.bfu.bg:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/802
ISBN: 978-619-7126-28-0
Appears in Collections:2016. Новата идея в образованието. Том 1

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